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Leading high-performance teams

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Interview with Patrick Mork, founder and CEO LEAP, hosted by Misiko Andere

Team success in any organization is correlated to the manager's leading style and the creative ways and tactics in forming a high performing team.

High performing teams ensure monthly targets and goals are met and achieved, while also managing team cohesion.

Here are some insights from Patrick Mork, Founder and CEO of LEAP, on how managers can cultivate and harness high performance teams in any organization while maximizing the team's efforts for great success.

Key highlights:

Combination of 5 factors for high performance teams in a hybrid work environment are:

  • Impact: What is the impact of the organization and how does the team fit into that?

  • Meaning: Is the organization doing something that matters in the world? Clear purpose motivates teams. GenZs' need more than just a pay check.

  • Structure and clarity: Team goals and accomplishments must be clear.

  • Dependability and trust: I need to rely on my teammates to meet deadlines.

  • Psychological safety: How comfortable do I feel suggesting a new idea, admitting mistakes, or trying new things? Cultural nuances in the workplace influence psychological safety.

  • Remote work techniques are constantly evolving and must continue to do so to ensure teams are motivated

  • Organizational purpose should be co created by the team and must be clearly communicated to all team members

  • Team dynamics: invest time in the collective and individual level to understand who you are working with. Understand your team in and out of the office.

Managers must be :

  • Self Aware: What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your gifts?

  • Culturally aware: Do I know my team and the environment they work in?

  • Feedback Oriented: Able to give and receive structured feedback: how can I grow and learn?


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